Everything in its right place

Editorial illustration for The New Fatherhood for an essay about storage solutions… or put another way… the parallels between the systems we use to manage our physical spaces and our mental well-being.

“Making sure there’s an order, not a sea of scattered things. Putting them discretely into separate spaces, so we can find them. Putting structures in place to help us give whatever “box” is open right now our full focus. Ensuring we dedicate time and thought to why we opened it in the first place. So that we can, hopefully, get a bit more control over what's going on inside there.

A place for everything. And, as Thom Yorke told us 21 years ago(!) ‘everything in its right place’.”

Read the full article here: The New Fatherhood


Editorial: Garbage in, garbage out


Editorial: The Cracks in Everything